Czechoslovak Hussite Church - Na Václavce 117/1

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About Czechoslovak Hussite Church

28 ŘÍJ Bohoslužba k výročí republiky v Hradci Králové

Contact Czechoslovak Hussite Church

Address :

Na Václavce 117/1, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 150
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Categories :
City : Praha

Na Václavce 117/1, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Viktorie Šmídová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Funkcionalistická modlitebna Husova sboru dr. Karla Farského pochází z roku 1935. Stavbu podle plánu architektů E. Sobotky a Stanislava Vachaty z roku 1933 provedla karlínská firma Václav Nekvasil. Stavba trvala 10 měsíců a základním stavebním materiálem byl beton. Na východní straně kostela vystupuje výrazná hranolová věž o výšce 21 metrů. Po délce všech čtyř stěn věže jsou dlouhá okna zajišťující přísun světla do interiéru, s výjimkou západní strany, kde věž přiléhá k lodi kostela, a okno je kratší. Na vrcholu věže jsou umístěny hodiny do všech světových stran a nad nimi zábradlím ohrazený ochoz, ze kterého je působivý výhled severním a východním směrem. Na samé špici věže je pak husitský symbol kalicha. Uvnitř kostela je umístěn základní kámen kostela a památník s bustou dr. Karla Farského. Functionalist prayer house of Hus's choir of Dr. Karel Farský dates from 1935. The construction according to the plan of architects E. Sobotka and Stanislav Vachata from 1933 was carried out by the Karlín company of Václav Nekvasil. The construction lasted 10 months and the basic building material was concrete. On the east side of the church there is a conspicuous prismatic tower 21 meters high. Along the length of all four walls of the tower are long windows providing light to the interior, except for the west side, where the tower is adjacent to the nave of the church, and the window is shorter. At the top of the tower there are clocks in all directions and above them a guarded fence with railings, from which there is an impressive view to the north and east. At the very top of the tower is the Hussite symbol of the chalice. Inside the church is the foundation stone of the church and a monument with a bust of Dr. Karel Farský.
Functionalist prayer house of Hus's choir dr. Karel Farský dates from 1935. The construction according to the plan of architects E. Sobotka and Stanislav Vachata from 1933 was carried out by the Karlín company Václav Nekvasil. The construction lasted 10 months and the basic building material was concrete. On the east side of the church stands a distinctive prismatic tower 21 meters high. Along the length of all four walls of the tower are long windows providing light to the interior, except for the west side, where the tower is adjacent to the nave of the church, and the window is shorter. At the top of the tower there are clocks in all directions of the world and above them a guarded fence with railings, from which there is an impressive view to the north and east. At the very top of the tower is the Hussite symbol of the chalice. Inside the church is the foundation stone of the church and a monument with a bust of Dr. Karel Farský. Functionalist prayer house of Hus's choir of Dr. Karel Farský dates from 1935. The construction according to the plan of architects E. Sobotka and Stanislav Vachata from 1933 was carried out by the Karlín company of Václav Nekvasil. The construction lasted 10 months and the basic building material was concrete. On the east side of the church there is a conspicuous prismatic tower 21 meters high. Along the length of all four walls of the tower are long windows providing light to the interior, except for the west side, where the tower is adjacent to the nave of the church, and the window is shorter. At the top of the tower there are clocks in all directions and above them a guarded fence with railings, from which there is an impressive view to the north and east. At the very top of the tower is the Hussite symbol of the chalice. Inside the church is the foundation stone of the church and a monument with a bust of Dr. Karel Farský.

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