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Contact Konírny

Address :

Zámek 7, Žďár nad Sázavou 2, 591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Žďár nad Sázavou

Zámek 7, Žďár nad Sázavou 2, 591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia
Vojtěch E. Kilian on Google

Vstupné dobrovolné, zajímavá exposice vztahující se k rodu Kinských.
Admission is voluntary, an interesting exhibition related to the Kinský family.
Veronika Škubalová on Google

Konírny jsou volně přístupné. Vevnitř je galerie Kinských. Velmi hezky zrekonstruovano. Nejzajímavější byly průřezy kmeny stromů a k letokruhům přiřazené historické události.
Stables are freely accessible. Inside is the Kinský Gallery. Very nicely renovated. The most interesting were cross-sections of tree trunks and historical events associated with annual rings.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Objekt barokních koníren byl vystavěn na začátku 18. století podle návrhu Jana Blažeje Santiniho-Aichela jako součást akademie pro vědy a umění jezdecké, zřízené pro šlechtickou mládež roku 1727. Dnes slouží jako obřadní síň. V roce 1705 se stal opatem cisterciáckého kláštera ve Žďáru Václav Vejmluva, za jehož působení (až do roku 1738) zažíval klášter vrchol svého rozkvětu. Pravděpodobně už roku 1706, díky sedleckému opatovi Jindřichovi Snopkovi, poznal Vejmluva geniálního architekta Jana Blažeje Santiniho-Aichela. Jejich spolupráce trvala 17 let, až do Santiniho smrti a ovlivnila podobu nejen rozličných staveb klášterního areálu a blízkého okolí, ale i města samotného. Pokud chcete poznat Santiniho dílo, můžete začít právě ve Žďáře. The Baroque stables were built at the beginning of the 18th century according to a design by Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel as a part of the Academy for Equestrian Sciences and Art, established for aristocratic youth in 1727. Today it serves as a ceremonial hall. In 1705 Václav Vejmluva became the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Žďár, during whose activity the monastery (until 1738) experienced the peak of its heyday. Probably already in 1706, thanks to the abbot abbot Jindřich Snopek, Vejmluva met the brilliant architect Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel. Their cooperation lasted 17 years, until Santini's death, and influenced not only the various buildings of the monastery complex and its surroundings, but also the city itself. If you want to get to know Santini's work, I fully recomend to start in Žďár nad Sázavou.
The Baroque stables were built at the beginning of the 18th century according to a design by Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel as part of the Academy for Equestrian Sciences and Art, established for aristocratic youth in 1727. Today it serves as a ceremonial hall. In 1705 Václav Vejmluva became the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Žďár. During his work (until 1738) the monastery experienced the peak of its heyday. Probably already in 1706, thanks to the abbot abbot Jindřich Snopek, Vejmluva recognized the brilliant architect Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel. Their cooperation lasted 17 years, until Santini's death, and influenced not only the various buildings of the monastery complex and its surroundings, but also the city itself. If you want to get to know Santini's work, you can start in Žďár. The Baroque Stables were built at the beginning of the 18th century according to design by Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel as part of the Academy of Equestrian Sciences and Art, established for the aristocratic youth in 1727. Today it serves as a ceremonial hall. In 1705 Václav Vejmluva became the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Žďár, during whose activity the monastery (until 1738) experienced the peak of its heyday. Probably already in 1706, thanks to the abbot abbot Jindrich Snopek, Vejmluva met the brilliant architect Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel. Their cooperation lasted 17 years, until Santini's death, and influenced not only various buildings of the monastery complex and its surroundings, but also the city itself. If you want to know Santini's work, I fully recomend to start in Zdar nad Sazavou.
Nathalie BONNET on Google

L'entrée est totalement gratuite. Bâtiments très bien restaurés. Exposition intéressante même si on ne parle pas la langue.
Entrance is completely free. Very well restored buildings. Interesting exhibition even if we don't speak the language.

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