Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Nicholas

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Nicholas

Address :

Zámek 2/2, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou 2, Czechia

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City : Žďár nad Sázavou

Zámek 2/2, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou 2, Czechia
Zde Kli on Google

Další úchvatná Santiniho stavba. Obrovský prostor, atmosféra. Doporučuji návštěvu a prohlídku.
Another stunning Santini building. Huge space, atmosphere. I recommend a visit and a tour.
Natálie Karbašová on Google

Moc pěkná bazilika. Stojí za navštívení. Uvnitř se nachází mimo jiné i krásný model Zelené hory.
Very nice basilica. Worth a visit. Inside there is, among other things, a beautiful model of the Green Mountain.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherná a majestátní dominanta bývalého cisterciáckého konventního kostela tvořila jádru klášterního komplexu. Hlavní loď je druhou nejdelší chrámovou lodí na Moravě po Velehradě. Stavba kostela začala bezprostředně po založení kláštera roku 1252, základy byly slavnostně vysvěceny už v roce následujícím. V roce 1689 byla stavba poničena požárem, krátce poté započala její přestavba, zřejmě za účasti Giovanni Battisty di Angelo a po roce 1706 úprava interiéru ve stylu barokní gotiky samotným Santinim-Aichelem. V roce 2004 byl kostel vrácen zpět církvi, pět let nato byl povýšen na baziliku minor papežem Benediktem XVI. Tento titul patří jen patnácti významným kostelům v České republice, které jsou pod zvláštní patronací papeže. The magnificent and majestic landmark of the former Cistercian convent church was the core of the monastery complex. The nave is the 2nd longest in Moravia after Velehrad basilica. Construction of the church began immediately after the founding of the monastery in 1252, the foundations were solemnly consecrated already in the following year. In 1689 it was damaged by fire, shortly after its reconstruction began, probably with the participation of Giovanni Battista di Angelo and after 1706, followed by the interior reconstruction in the Baroque-Gothic style by Jan Santini-Aichel himself. In 2004, the object was returned to the church, five years later it was promoted to minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. This title belongs to only fifteen important churches in the Czech Republic, which are under the special patronage of the Pope.
The magnificent and majestic landmark of the former Cistercian convent church was the core of the monastery complex. The nave is the second longest nave in Moravia after Velehrad. Construction of the church began immediately after the founding of the monastery in 1252, the foundations were solemnly consecrated already in the following year. In 1689 the building was damaged by fire, shortly thereafter it was rebuilt, probably with the participation of Giovanni Battista di Angelo, and after 1706, the interior was rebuilt in the Baroque Gothic style by Santini-Aichel himself. In 2004, the church was returned to the church, five years later it was promoted to minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. This title belongs to only fifteen important churches in the Czech Republic, which are under the special patronage of the Pope. The magnificent and majestic landmark of the former Cistercian convent church was the core of the monastery complex. The nave is the 2nd longest in Moravia after Velehrad basilica. Construction of the church began immediately after the founding of the monastery in 1252, the foundations were solemnly consecrated already in the following year. In 1689 it was damaged by fire, shortly after its reconstruction began, probably with the participation of Giovanni Battista di Angelo and after 1706, followed by the interior reconstruction in the Baroque-Gothic style by Jan Santini-Aichel himself. In 2004, the building was returned to the church, five years later it was promoted to minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. This title belongs to only fifteen important churches in the Czech Republic, which are under the special patronage of Pope.
Jana Trč on Google

14.5.2022 Krásná stavba geniálního Santiniho s k tomu pěkný výklad slečny průvodkyně Pavly. Odcházely jsme nadšené a rozhodně doporučuji návštěvu celeho areálu.
5/14/2022 The beautiful building of the genius Santini with a nice explanation by Miss Guide Pavla. We left excited and I definitely recommend a visit to the whole area.
babička ježovská on Google

Basilica minor
123tiv123 Rázek on Google

You have to see it...
Kateřina Eklová on Google

Impressive gothic-baroque church. Very nicely reconstructed.
Vincent Oliver on Google

The church was closed when we visited late afternoon in March however we could get a peep through the door. Impressive high arched ceiling and the ornate alter. Do appreciate the outside buildings and the old fish ponds next door. Ensure you visit the fascinating New Generation Museum next door too, to get a glimpse of the history of the area and the Abbot of Zdar and the Cistercian Order of Monks.

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