Zemědělský dvůr Lyra - Žďár nad Sázavou 2

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Contact Zemědělský dvůr Lyra

Address :

Kinský Žďár, A.s.,, Dvorská 33/16, Žďár nad Sázavou 2, 591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia

Postal code : 591
Website : https://www.zamekzdar.cz/hospodarsky-dvur-lyra/
Categories :
City : Žďár nad Sázavou

Kinský Žďár, A.s.,, Dvorská 33/16, Žďár nad Sázavou 2, 591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia
Karel Daniel on Google

Martin Munzar on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hospodářský dvůr Lyra získal svůj název díky zvláštnímu půdorysnému tvaru s esovitě prohnutými stodolami symetricky po obou stranách areálu. Santiniho autorství tu není doloženo, přesto se o něm nepochybuje. Jednak novostavba vznikala v době jeho spolupráce s opatem Vejmluvou a napovídá tomu i celková koncepce areálu dvora. Ten tvoří sedm budov a čtyři brány. Stavba byla dokončena před rokem 1722 a dvůr slouží nepřetržitě svému účelu dodnes. The farmyard Lyra gained its name thanks to its special ground-plan shape with sigmoidal-shaped barns symmetrically on both sides of the premises. Santini's authorship is not documented here, yet it is not a doubt about it. On the one hand, the new building was created at the time of his cooperation with Abbot Václav Vejmluva and the overall concept of the courtyard carries Santini´s manuscript. The complex consists of seven buildings and four gates. It was completed before 1722 and the courtyard has been continuously serving its purpose to this day.
The farmyard Lyra gained its name thanks to its special ground-plan shape with barb-shaped barns symmetrically on both sides of the premises. Santini's authorship is not documented here, yet it is not in doubt. On the one hand, the new building was created at the time of his cooperation with Abbot Vejmluvou and the overall concept of the courtyard area suggests this. It consists of seven buildings and four gates. The building was completed before 1722 and the courtyard has been continuously serving its purpose to this day. The farmyard Lyra gained its name thanks to its special ground-plan shape with sigmoidal-shaped barns symmetrically on both sides of the premises. Santini's authorship is not documented here, yet it is not a doubt about it. On one hand, the new building was created at the time of his cooperation with Abbot Václav Vejmluva and the overall concept of the courtyard carries Santini's manuscript. The complex consists of seven buildings and four gates. It was completed before 1722 and the courtyard was continuously serving its purpose for this day.

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