Kostel svatého Václava a Božího Těla

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Contact Kostel svatého Václava a Božího Těla

Address :

280 02 Křečhoř, Czechia

Categories :
City : Křečhoř

280 02 Křečhoř, Czechia
Alena Fiserova on Google

Barbora Herzogová on Google

Zdeněk Otradovec on Google

Krásný kostel.
Beautiful church.
Michal Matousek on Google

Rozloučení s dědou.
Farewell to Grandpa.
Eva Jordan on Google

Kostel sv. Václava a Božího těla svítí nádhernou žlutou fasádou do dáli. Je nádherně opravený, původní gotické prvky připomínají, že dnes empírová budova bývala gotická. Kostel je datován do poloviny 14.století, empírová přestavba proběhla v roce 1846-1848. Kostel je obklopen hřbitovem.
Church of St. Wenceslas and the Corpus Christi shine through a beautiful yellow facade into the distance. It is beautifully restored, the original Gothic elements reminiscent that today the Empire building used to be Gothic. The church dates back to the middle of the 14th century, the Empire reconstruction took place in 1846-1848. The church is surrounded by a cemetery.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Původně gotický kostel sv. Václava pochází z počátku 14. století (připomínán roku 1350 jako farní). Jeho stavebník patřil nejspíš k okruhu královského dvora (tehdy se v držení vsi vystřídali král Jan Lucemburský, Jindřich z Lipé a Eliška Rejčka). Původní gotická podoba kostela byla překryta při radikální pozdně empírové přestavbě z let 1846-48. Po dokončení prací byl obnovený kostel nově nově zasvěcen Božímu tělu. V roce 1863 byla zvýšena věž a při restaurování v letech 1913-14 byly odkryty a přiznány dochované původní gotické detaily dokládající neobyčejně vysokou úroveň stavby. V letech 2010-19 proběhly opravy fasád. Kostel je obklopen funkčním udržovaným hřbitovem, na kterém najdete mnoho zajímavých náhrobků z 16. až 19. století. Zachován zůstal i přízemní domek hrobníka u severní hřbitovní zdi z 19. století. Opraven byl v roce 2013 a dnes slouží jako kanceláře stavební správy Kolínského vikariátu - od roku 2005 totiž filiální kostel spadá pod správu Řimskokatolické farnosti Kolín. Bohoslužby se tu konají první a třetí sobotu v měsíci od 17:00 hodin. The originally Gothic church of St. Wenceslas dates back to the beginning of the 14th century (mentioned in 1350 as a parish one). Its builder probably belonged to the royal court. The original Gothic appearance of the church was covered over in the radical late Empire reconstruction of 1846-48. Upon completion of the work, the restored church was rededicated to the Corpus Christi. In 1863, the tower was raised and during the restoration in 1913-14, the original Gothic details were uncovered and acknowledged, demonstrating the unusually high standard of the building. In 2010-19, repairs were carried out to the façade. The church is surrounded by a functional, well-maintained cemetery, where you will find many interesting tombstones from the 16th to 19th centuries. The 19th-century gravedigger's house by the northern cemetery wall has also been preserved. It was repaired in 2013 and now serves as the offices of the administration of the Kolín vicariate - since 2005 the branch church has been under the administration of the Roman Catholic parish of Kolín. Services are held here on the first and third Saturday of the month at 5:00 pm.
Originally a Gothic church of St. Wenceslas dates from the early 14th century (remembered in 1350 as a parish). Its builder probably belonged to the circle of the royal court (at that time, King Jan of Luxembourg, Henry of Lipá and Eliška Rejčka took turns in the possession of the village). The original Gothic appearance of the church was overlaid during the radical late Empire reconstruction of 1846-48. After the completion of the works, the restored church was newly consecrated to the Body of God. In 1863, the tower was raised and during the restoration in 1913-14, the preserved original Gothic details were uncovered and acknowledged, proving the extraordinarily high level of the building. In the years 2010-19, repairs to the facades took place. The church is surrounded by a functional maintained cemetery, where you will find many interesting tombstones from the 16th to 19th centuries. The ground floor house of the gravedigger by the northern cemetery wall from the 19th century has also been preserved. It was repaired in 2013 and today serves as the building administration office of the Kolín Vicariate - since 2005 the branch church has been under the administration of the Kolín Roman Catholic Parish. Services are held here on the first and third Saturday of the month from 5:00 p.m. The originally Gothic church of St. Wenceslas dates back to the beginning of the 14th century (mentioned in 1350 as a parish one). Its builder probably belonged to the royal court. The original Gothic appearance of the church was covered over in the radical late Empire reconstruction of 1846-48. Upon completion of the work, the restored church was rededicated to the Corpus Christi. In 1863, the tower was raised and during the restoration in 1913-14, the original Gothic details were uncovered and acknowledged, demonstrating the unusually high standard of the building. In 2010-19, repairs were carried out to the facade. The church is surrounded by a functional, well-maintained cemetery, where you will find many interesting tombstones from the 16th to 19th centuries. The 19th-century gravedigger's house by the northern cemetery wall has also been preserved. It was repaired in 2013 and now serves as the offices of the administration of the Kolín vicariate - since 2005 the branch church has been under the administration of the Roman Catholic parish of Kolín. Services are held here on the first and third Saturday of the month at 5:00 pm.

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