Městské opevnění - Městské opevnění

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Contact Městské opevnění

Address :

412 01 Litoměřice, Czechia

Postal code : 412
Categories :
City : Litoměřice

412 01 Litoměřice, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Městské opevnění dnešního historického jádra se vyvíjelo s postupným rozšiřováním středověkého města od 13. do 15. století. Od poloviny 17. století ztrácelo svůj význam a o cca 200 let později postupně zanikly rozsáhlé části hradeb a opevňovacích staveb. Nejvyšší zdi z doby karlovského rozšíření města najdete u železniční zastávky Litoměřice město a autobusového nádraží, nejzachovalejší hranolové věže pak u ulice Na valech a v parku U hvězdárny. Kulaté bašty Baba a bývalá vězeňská kaple jsou využity jako administrativní zařízení a příjemná restaurace. The urban fortifications of today's historic core evolved with the gradual expansion of the medieval town from the 13th to the 15th century. From the middle of the 17th century it lost its importance and about 200 years later large parts of the walls and fortifications gradually disappeared. The highest walls from the time of the expansion of the town in the Charles IV period can be found at the railway station "Litoměřice město" and the bus station, the best preserved prismatic towers are at the street "Na valech" and in the park "U hvězdárny". The round bastions Baba and the former prison chapel are used as administrative facilities and a nice restaurant.
The city fortifications of today's historic core developed with the gradual expansion of the medieval city from the 13th to the 15th century. From the middle of the 17th century it lost its significance and about 200 years later large parts of the walls and fortifications gradually disappeared. The highest walls from the time of Charles' expansion of the city can be found at the Litoměřice město railway station and the bus station, the best-preserved prismatic towers at Na valech Street and in the U hvězdárny park. The round bastions of Baba and the former prison chapel are used as administrative facilities and a pleasant restaurant. The urban fortifications of today's historic core evolved with the gradual expansion of the medieval town from the 13th to the 15th century. From the middle of the 17th century it lost its importance and about 200 years later large parts of the walls and fortifications gradually disappeared. The highest walls from the time of the expansion of the town in the Charles IV period can be found at the railway station "Litoměřice město" and the bus station, the best preserved prismatic towers are at the street "Na valech" and in the park "At the observatory". The round bastions Baba and the former prison chapel are used as administrative facilities and a nice restaurant.

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