O2 Prodejna

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact O2 Prodejna

DBK Budějovická, Budějovická 1667/64, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Attila Juhász on Google

Nedoporučuji, mám velmi špatnou zkušenost. Pán se mi snažil prodat službu s slevou, avšak neříkal, že jde o slevu na dobu určitou. Neupozornil mě na to ani, když jsem se na to konkrétně ptal, 3x za sebou. Odcházím od O2 a už se k vám nikdy nevrátím. Na aroganci a nekompetentnost pracovníků pobočky na Budějovické budu upozorňovat i svoje okolí a známích.
I do not recommend, I have a very bad experience. The Lord tried to sell me the service at a discount, but he did not say that it was a temporary discount. He didn't even point me out when I specifically asked about it, 3 times in a row. I'm leaving O2 and I'll never come back to you again. I will also draw the attention of my surroundings and acquaintances to the arrogance and incompetence of the employees of the Budějovická branch.
Mar S on Google

Prisel jsem reklamovat ukradenych 99 Kc z kreditu ve prospech kyperske firmy Content4Mobile / Content for Mobile, se kterou O2 natolik dobre spolupracuje, ze vam automaticky na vasi SIM nastavi povoleni strhavat ve prospech teto firmy cokoli, aniz byste o tom vedeli, natoz zavdali duvod (o podvodnych aktivitach teto firmy vam po vygooglovani vyjede dost; uz to me od dalsiho setrvani u O2 odrazuje). Chlapec reklamaci zadal - rozumej neco si tukal do PC - rekl, ze do historie transakci na mem kreditu nevidi, paradoxne vsak odmitl nabidku, ze mu porizeny printscreen nasdilim/poslu - na zadost o vyhotoveni potvrzeni o podani reklamace vsak odpovedel, ze nic nedostanu, ze se mi do 30 dni ozvou. Jelikoz jediny tel. kontakt na me je cislo k SIM, ktera je v modemu, na coz jsem upozornil, budu doufat, ze dostanu aspon emailove vyjadreni. Co jsem vsak necekal, ze potom, co jdu neco reklamovat, setkam se s neochotou mi vystavit potvrzeni, absenci zajmu o dolozeni duvodu reklamace, dostanu v zaveru nabidku na telefonni sluzby O2.
I came to complain about the stolen CZK 99 from the credit in favor of the Cypriot company Content4Mobile / Content for Mobile, with which O2 cooperates so well that it will automatically set you on your SIM to allow you to deduct anything in favor of this company, without knowing it. about fraudulent activities of this company after you google it will cost you enough; it already discourages me from continuing with O2). The boy submitted the complaint - understand something you wanted in the PC - said that he does not see the history of the transaction on my credit, but paradoxically refused the offer that the printscreen was sent to him / the sender - but asked to get a confirmation of filing a complaint that I would not get anything, that they will contact me within 30 days. Since the only phone contact to me is the number to the SIM that is in the modem, which I pointed out, I will hope to receive at least an email statement. However, what I did not expect that after I went to complain about something, I would be reluctant to issue me a confirmation, the absence of interest in proving the reason for the complaint, I would receive an offer for O2 telephone services at the end.
Sona Razimova on Google

No přišla jsem s prasklým sklem, ale nakonec mi zvýšili rychlost internetu...
Well, I came up with cracked glass, but in the end they increased my internet speed ...
Vilém Kouba on Google

Bohužel jsem dost dlouho čekal a mám dojem, že na to měl vliv slabší výkon minimálně jednoho obsluhujícího pracovníka, který se na řešení ptal dalších kolegů, čímž zdržoval všechny.
Unfortunately, I waited long enough and I have the impression that this was influenced by the weaker performance of at least one operator, who asked other colleagues for a solution, thus delaying everyone.
marek9911 on Google

Teda přístup jak v bělorusku, volají zákazníci kvůli primě? Vypneme jim linku aby se nedovalali a omezíme jim internet na 10 mbps.
So the approach, as in Belarus, do customers call because of the first? We will turn off their line so that they do not hang out and limit their internet to 10 mbps.
Jiří Cihelka on Google

Bohužel jeden seniorní prodavač s dohledem nad juniorním, kázali oba bludy o dostupnosti signálu 5G a bezproblémovosti telefonu, který měl závadu. Na tuto prodejnu rozhodně ne!
Unfortunately, one senior salesman, overseeing the junior, preached both delusions about the availability of a 5G signal and the trouble-free phone that had the defect. Definitely not to this store!
Tomas Dobrovolny on Google

Podvodníci a zloději. Snaha vnutit lidem za každou cenu něco co vůbec nechtějí, nejlépe těm starým. Reklamace a rušení služeb je vždy velmi problematické. Aktivovat někomu službu, kterou nechce a v rámci reklamace telefonu mu dát podepsat změnu tarifu na televizi, je naprosto nehorázná drzost. Tam rovnou můžete začít prodávat vysavače a hrnce. SHAME!
Carlos Eduardo Madureira Trufen on Google

I have just been deliberately ignored by the lady working there, who attended 2 other customers who arrived later. I don't know if it is related to me being a foreigner or having a different color, but it is no way to treat another human being. ?

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