
3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Praha-Hostivař

Address :

U Hostivařského nádraží, 102 00 Praha 15, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

U Hostivařského nádraží, 102 00 Praha 15, Czechia
František Moravec on Google

Rekonstrukcí, zejména nesmyslným odtržením od historické budovy nádraží zcela pozbylo svého, víc než sto let trvajícího, genia loci. Nyní je to jen sterilní, nezajímavý soubor nástupišť, podchodu a unifikovaných zastřešení.
The reconstruction, especially the senseless detachment from the historic building of the railway station, completely lost its genius loci, which lasted more than a hundred years. Now it's just a sterile, uninteresting set of platforms, underpasses and unified roofs.
Pavel Koska on Google

Zastavka u stare nadrazni budovy byla presunuta asi 200 metru na východ! Na novem miste jsou vybudovana 2 nastupiste a podchod přístupný z obou stran zeleznicni trati. Nove vybudovana zastavka je moderni, vybavena odbavovacimi tabulemi se zobrazenim odjezdu vlaku. Na miste nejsou kancelar personal ani nadrazni budovy. Zapustena ve svahu se nachazi mala cekarna a zazeni vlakove zastavky. Je pristupna z podchodu smerem na jih.
The station near the old building was moved about 200 meters to the east! On the new site are built 2 ramps and subway accessible from both sides of the railway line. The newly built stop is modern, equipped with check-in boards showing the departure of the train. There are no personal offices or superb buildings. In the slope, there was a waiting room and a train station. It is accessible from the underpass to the south.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Železniční stanice Praha - Hostivař leží na dvoukolejné trati číslo 221 Praha - Benešov u Prahy, z Benešova pokračuje jako jednokolejná trať číslo 220 do Českých Budějovic. Dráha císaře Františka Josefa z Vídně přes České Budějovice a Benešov do Prahy zahájila provoz 14. prosince 1871. V Hostivaři se tehdy nacházela pouze zastávka na jednokolejné trati. Už v následujícím roce bylo povoleno na hostivařské zastávce nakládat a vykládat zboží, nádraží však bylo zřízeno až v roce 1882. Výpravní budova pochází z roku 1905 a je zcela shodná se staniční budovou v Uhříněvsi, která je o 10 let mladší. Dnes ve špičkách pracovních dnů jezdí osobní vlaky v pravidelném intervalu 30 minut a mimo špičku pak 60 minut, což umožňuje cestujícím si snadno zapamatovat doby odjezdů vlaků. The railway station Praha - Hostivař is situated on the 221 Prague - Benešov crossing, next to Prague, from Benešov continues as single-track line 220 to České Budějovice. The route of the Emperor Franz Joseph from Vienna through České Budějovice and Benešov to Prague began operations on December 14, 1871. At Hostivař there was only one stop on the monorail track. Already in the following year it was allowed to dispose and unload merchandise, but the railway station was not established until 1882. The dispatcher´s building dates back to 1905 and is completely identical to the station building in Uhříněves, which is 10 years younger. Today at peak business hours, passenger trains run at regular intervals of 30 minutes and out of peak for 60 minutes, allowing travelers to easily remember train departure times.
The Prague - Hostivař railway station is located on the double-track line number 221 Prague - Benešov u Prahy, from Benešov it continues as a single-track line number 220 to České Budějovice. The railway of Emperor František Josef from Vienna via České Budějovice and Benešov to Prague began operation on December 14, 1871. At that time, there was only a stop on a single-track line in Hostivař. The following year, it was allowed to load and unload goods at the Hostivař stop, but the station was not established until 1882. The station building dates from 1905 and is completely identical to the station building in Uhříněves, which is 10 years younger. Today, on peak working days, passenger trains run at regular intervals of 30 minutes and off-peak 60 minutes, which allows passengers to easily remember train departure times. The railway station Praha - Hostivař is situated on the 221 Prague - Benešov crossing, next to Prague, from Benešov continues as single-track line 220 to České Budějovice. The route of the Emperor Franz Joseph from Vienna through České Budějovice and Benešov to Prague began operations on December 14, 1871. At Hostivař there was only one stop on the monorail track. Already in the following year it was allowed to dispose and unload merchandise, but the railway station was not established until 1882. The dispatcher´s building dates back to 1905 and is completely identical to the station building in Uhříněves, which is 10 years younger. Today at peak business hours, passenger trains run at regular intervals of 30 minutes and out of peak for 60 minutes, allowing travelers to easily remember train departure times.
Vladislav Belev on Google

Pěkné nádraží laděné do červené barvy.
Nice station tuned in red.
Petr Čančara on Google

Tuctové nádraží která nahrazují dřívější honosné budovy. Vlastně se asi nedá co vytknout - nádraží je čisté, na zastávku MHD stačí ujít pár metrů, vše je nové a (zatím) neponičené. Stejně mi ale vadí, že se nedaří najít fungující model, v kterém by bylo možné zrenovovat právě ty krásné staré nádražní budovy a provozovat nádraží i nadále v nich.
Dozen stations that replace the former stately buildings. In fact, there is probably nothing to complain about - the station is clean, just a few meters to the public transport stop, everything is new and (yet) undamaged. But it still bothers me that it is not possible to find a working model in which it would be possible to renovate the beautiful old station buildings and continue to operate the station in them.
Kokoska 998 on Google

Nádraží je moderní, pěkné, červená barva je také dobrá. Vadí mi ale posprejované zdi, kompletně zničené nádraží, kvůli blbcům, kteří tu sprejují kraviny na zdi... A je vidět, že to je každému úplně jedno.
The station is modern, nice, the red color is also good. But I don't mind the spray-painted walls, the completely destroyed station, because of the idiots who spray the crap on the wall ... And you can see that everyone doesn't care.
Vladimir Batik on Google

Naprostá hrůza. Lednová neděle večer - nejde se nikde schovat před větrem, koupit si kafe nebo bagetu, odskočit si na záchod ani nemluvím. Info odjezdová tabule rozbitá. Schovat se lze tak akorát v počmáraném podchodu. Architektonicky naprosto strašné, nabubřelé a masivní. Pozitivní je snad akorát dobré osvětlení a dobré propojení na Tram a Bus, za to je ta jedna hvězda ok.
Absolute horror. January Sunday evening - you can't hide anywhere from the wind, buy coffee or a baguette, go to the toilet and I'm not even talking. Info board broken. You can just hide in a scuffed underpass. Architecturally absolutely terrible, bloated and massive. The positive is perhaps just good lighting and good connections to Tram and Bus, for that one star is ok.
Daniel Brvnišťan on Google

Rebuilt completely in 2015-2016. It is new but not modern in concept or architecture. A bit of walk to bus/tram stops. Not much facilities, just ticket office open during business hours. There is an old school station pub/restaurant in the old station building 200 m away (shorter across the tracks ;-) ).

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