
4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Praha-Uhříněves

Address :

U st. nádraží, 104 00 Praha 22, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

U st. nádraží, 104 00 Praha 22, Czechia
Petr Kuba on Google

Menší nádraží po rekonstrukci, prodej lístků, trafika, zastávka autobusů, neobvykle graficky pojatý podchod, jízda výtahem s dítětem je otřesný zážitek
Smaller station after reconstruction, ticket sale, newsagent, bus stop, unusually graphic underpass, lift ride with child is a terrible experience
Michal Strnad on Google

Nádraží, kde se rekonstrukce povedla. Vše je nové, čísté, dobře přístupné a budova je funkční.
The station where the reconstruction was successful. Everything is new, clean, easily accessible and the building is functional.
Vojtěch Svoboda on Google

Zrekonstruované nádraží s krásnými malbami pana Vrubla, které se opravdu povedly. Podchody občas trochu zapáchají, ale je to hloupostí mladých lidí, kteří zde i přes zákazy kouří a fetují.
Renovated railway station with beautiful paintings by Mr. Vrubl, which really did. The underpasses sometimes smell a bit, but it is the foolishness of young people who smoke and fetish here despite the bans.
Beliel בְּלִיַּ֫עַל on Google

Přehledné nádraží, kde je dostatek místa. Pro příapad špatného je se kde schovat, ale chtělo by to více míst. Mezi kolejemi se chodí podchody. V blízkosti je zastavka MHD, autobus.
Clear station where there is plenty of space. For a bad case, there is a place to hide, but it would take more places. There are underpasses between the tracks. There is a public transport stop nearby, a bus.
Fíla Foto on Google

Dobré nádraží které je nově i opraveno a po dobu otevření je zde možnost koupit i občerstvení. Malé mínus je nenavazující autobus 213 do Prahy který převážně vtipně odjíždí minutu před příjezdem vlaku od Benešova a tak zde třeba i 25 min. čekáte.
Good railway station, which is newly repaired and during the opening there is the opportunity to buy snacks. A small minus is the non-connecting bus 213 to Prague, which mostly humorously departs a minute before the train arrives from Benešov and thus 25 minutes. you are waiting.
Tim Flechsig on Google

Hier waren leider dauerhaft die Toiletten zugesperrt und die Aufzüge, wo man in die Unterführung kann waren sich defekt. Gut, dass wir dahingehend keine Behinderung hatten aber welche, die nicht laufen können, haben es dort wirklich schwer.
Unfortunately, the toilets were permanently locked here and the elevators, where you can go into the underpass, were broken. It's a good thing that we didn't have any disabilities, but those who can't walk have a really hard time there.
Jana Jindrová on Google

Přestupovala jsem tu z vlaku na autobus. Zastávka je hned vedle nádraží. Spoje neměly zpoždění.
I changed from train to bus. The bus stop is right next to the train station. The joints were not delayed.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Praha-Uhříněves je železniční stanice na dvoukolejné elektrifikované trati 221 do Benešova, v novodobé zástavbě západní části obce. Stanice byla otevřena 14. prosince 1871 současně se zprovozněním Dráhy císaře Františka Josefa. Stará budova nádraží stojí blíž Říčanům a slouží stále potřebám Českých drah, nová budova byla postavena roku 1915 a je shodná s nádražím v Hostivaři. Stanice prošla rozsáhlou rekonstrukcí v letech 2005-2008. Pokud patříte mezi fanoušky drážních památek, pak si při čekání na vlak můžete prohlédnout krásnou dvoupodlažní hranolovou věž drážního vodojemu, která byla postavena současně s výstavbou trati roku 1871. Její horní patro stojí na krakorcích, které zdobí fasádu. Se zánikem parní dopravy byl provoz vodárny ukončen. Stavba prošla rekonstrukcí, při níž bylo demontováno vnitřní zařízení. Prague-Uhříněves is a railway station on double-track electrified line 221 to Benešov, placed in the modern development of the western part of the village. The station was opened on December 14, 1871 at the same time as the Emperor Franz Joseph's Railways were put into operation. The old railway station building is closer to Říčany and still serves the needs of Czech Railways, the new building was made in 1915 and is identical to the railway station in Hostivař. The station underwent extensive reconstruction in 2005-2008. If you are a fan of railroad sights, then while waiting for the train you can see the beautiful two-storey prismatic tower of the water reservoir, which was built at the same time as the construction of the track in 1871. With the end of steam transport, the waterworks were shut down. The building underwent a reconstruction in which the internal equipment was dismantled.
Praha-Uhříněves is a railway station on the double-track electrified line 221 to Benešov, in a modern development in the western part of the village. The station was opened on December 14, 1871 at the same time as the operation of the Emperor Franz Josef Railway. The old building of the railway station is closer to Říčany and still serves the needs of Czech Railways, the new building was built in 1915 and is identical to the station in Hostivař. The station underwent extensive reconstruction in 2005-2008. If you are a fan of railway monuments, then while waiting for the train you can see the beautiful two-storey prismatic tower of the railway reservoir, which was built at the same time as the track was built in 1871. Its upper floor stands on rafters that decorate the facade. With the cessation of steam transport, the operation of the waterworks was terminated. The building underwent reconstruction, during which the internal equipment was dismantled. Prague-Uhříněves is a railway station on double-track electrified line 221 to Benešov, placed in the modern development of the western part of the village. The station was opened on December 14, 1871 at the same time as the Emperor Franz Joseph's Railways were put into operation. The old railway station building is closer to Říčany and still serves the needs of Czech Railways, the new building was made in 1915 and is identical to the railway station in Hostivař. The station underwent extensive reconstruction in 2005-2008. If you are a fan of railroad sights, then while waiting for the train you can see the beautiful two-storey prismatic tower of the water reservoir, which was built at the same time as the construction of the track in 1871. With the end of steam transport, the waterworks were shut down. The building underwent a reconstruction in which the internal equipment was dismantled.

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