Protiatomový bunkr Bezovka - Parukářka

4.8/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Protiatomový bunkr Bezovka / Parukářka

Address :

Žižkov, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Žižkov, 130 00 Praha 3, Czechia
Mária Švárna on Google

Prima zážitek, zajímavé vyprávění, hlavně asi pro mladší generace, ale starší můžou zavzpomínat..
Great experience, interesting storytelling, especially for the younger generation, but older ones can remember ..
Andrea Galathova on Google

Prohlídku mužů vřele doporučit. Velké díky za zážitek patří našemu průvodci. Vtipný, poutavý výklad. Žádné slepé odříkání textu. Celá rodina byla nadšená. Díky za skvělý zážitek.
I highly recommend the men's tour. Many thanks for the experience to our guide. A funny, engaging interpretation. No blind sacrifice of text. The whole family was excited. Thanks for a great experience.
Petr Mesároš on Google

Zajimava prohlidka bunkru i s informacemi a vystavou z obdobi studene valky. Prohlidkou provadi cesky mluvici pruvodce. Prohlidka trva cca 75 min a vstup na osobu byl 250 Kc za dospeleho v dubnu 2022. Vystava je opravdu hodnoverna a dobre tematicky zpracovana. Ke konci prohlidky vas pruvodce veme i ven a na fotografiich vam s vykladem rekne o budovach, kt. staly kdysi v okoli bunkru. Doporucuji urcite vzit sebou i deti od cca 6 let vys.
An interesting tour of the bunker with information and an exhibition from the Cold War period. The tour is carried out by a Czech-speaking guide. The tour lasts about 75 minutes and entry per person was 250 CZK per adult in April 2022. The exhibition is really credible and well themed. At the end of the tour, the guide will take you outside and in the photos he will tell you about the buildings, kt. they once stood around the bunker. I definitely recommend taking children from about 6 years old.
Jose Gregorio Lepervanche Valencia on Google

During our visit to Prague we took a tour to this Nuclear Bunker. After arriving to this cafeteria we went to a heavy door and went doen to explore all the rooms and tunnels. They have a very cool exhibit of artifacts, flags, maps, and uniforms from the Cold War times. #CulturalLandmarks_Prague.

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