Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Petra a Pavla Praha - Radotín - nám. Svaty Petra a Pavla 450

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Farnosti Radotín, Třebotov, Černošice - oficiální stránky - Trs-farnosti.cz

Farnosti Radotín, Černošice a Třebotov

About Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Petra a Pavla Praha - Radotín

„Bylo by urážkou Ženicha, kdybych čekala, kdo se mi bude líbit. Ten, kdo si mě vyvolil první, tomu chci patřit. Proč čekáš, vrahu? Ať zahyne tělo, které může být milováno očima, jakýma nechci.“

— Sv. Anežka římská

Contact Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Petra a Pavla Praha - Radotín

Address :

nám. Svaty Petra a Pavla 450, 153 00 Praha 16, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +797
Postal code : 153
Website : http://www.trs-farnosti.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

nám. Svaty Petra a Pavla 450, 153 00 Praha 16, Czechia
Vladislav Hřebíček on Google

Pavel Vysušil on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

První písemnou zmínku o radotínském kostele najdeme v listině krále Václava II. z 24. května 1298. Radotín pak zůstává majetkem kláštera zbraslavského až do válek husitských. Původní fara, obydlí a úřadovna radotínského faráře se nacházela zejména v době předbělohorské v pozdějším domě čp. 24, který byl v době třicetileté války zcela zničen. V sedmdesátých letech 17. století byl sice opraven, ale po zrušení farností chátral a v první polovině 18. století se stal majetkem mlýna čp. 12. Dnešní faru dal postavit až patron kostela Cyril Bartoň z Dobenína v roce 1927 na zádušním pozemku u kostela. The first written mention of the Radotín church can be found in the deed of King Wenceslas II. of 24 May 1298. Radotín remains the property of the Zbraslav monastery until the Hussite wars. The original rectory, the dwelling and the office of the Radotín parish priest were located, especially during the pre-White Mountain period, in the later house No. 24, which was completely destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. It was partially repaired in the 1770s, but after the abolition of the parishes it fell into disrepair and became the property of mill No. 12 in the first half of the 18th century. Today's rectory was built by the patron of the church Cyril Bartoň of Dobenín in 1927 on the requisite land near the church.
The first written mention of the Radotín church can be found in the deed of King Wenceslas II. of 24 May 1298. Radotín remains the property of the Zbraslav monastery until the Hussite wars. The original vicarage, dwelling and office of the Radotín parish priest were located especially in the pre-White Mountain period in the later house No. 24, which was completely destroyed during the Thirty Years War. It was repaired in the 1770s, but after the parishes were dissolved it became dilapidated and became the property of Mill No. 12 in the first half of the 18th century. The first written mention of the Radotín church can be found in the deed of King Wenceslas II. of 24 May 1298. Radotín remains the property of Zbraslav monastery until the Hussite wars. The original rector, the dwelling and office of the Radotín parish priest were located, especially during the pre-White Mountain period, in the later house no. 24, which was completely destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. It was partially repaired in the 1770s, but after the abolition of the parishes it fell into disrepair and became the property of the mill. 12 in the first half of the 18th century. Today's rector was built by the patron of the church Cyril Barton of Dobenín in 1927 on the requisite land near the church.

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