Správa Pražského Hradu - První nádvoří Pražského hradu 1

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Contact Správa Pražského Hradu

Address :

První nádvoří Pražského hradu 1, 119 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 119
Website : https://www.hrad.cz/cs/prezident-cr/sprava-prazskeho-hradu
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Hradčany

První nádvoří Pražského hradu 1, 119 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Alex Howe on Google

Вадим Новацкий on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Správa Pražského hradu je příspěvková organizace, která byla Kanceláří prezidenta republiky zřízena v roce 1993. Její hlavní činností je správa a provoz areálu Pražského hradu a zámku Lány. Pokud jste navštívili místo v roce 2019, mohli jste si všimnout, že správa hradu zahájila rozsáhlé opravy, které přesáhnou částku 300 milionů. Náročná je především výměna střechy a rekonstrukce fasády jižního křídla Nového královského paláce. Ta byla naposledy opravována v roce 1982, střecha je starší více než 100 let. Kvůli těmto opravám jsou v roce 2019 uzavřeny Jižní zahrady. Pokračuje rovněž rekonstrukce Nejvyššího purkrabství, která začala v roce 2017. Prague Castle Administration is a contributory organization that was established by the Office of the Czech President in 1993. It´s main activity is the administration and operation of the Prague Castle and Lány Chateau. If you visited the Prague Castle in 2019, you might have noticed that the administration of the castle had begun extensive repairs that would exceed 300 million CZK. Especially difficult is the replacement of the roof and the reconstruction of the facade of the southern wing of the New Royal Palace. It was last repaired in 1982, the roof is over 100 years old. Because of these repairs, the Southern Gardens are closed during 2019. The reconstruction of the Supreme Burgrave's House, which began in 2017, also continues.
The Prague Castle Administration is a contributory organization, which was established by the Office of the President of the Republic in 1993. Its main activity is the administration and operation of the Prague Castle complex and the Lány chateau. If you visited the site in 2019, you may have noticed that the castle administration has launched extensive repairs that exceed 300 million. The replacement of the roof and the reconstruction of the facade of the south wing of the New Royal Palace is especially challenging. It was last repaired in 1982, the roof is more than 100 years old. Due to these repairs, the Southern Gardens are closed in 2019. The reconstruction of the Supreme Burgrave's Office, which began in 2017, also continues. Prague Castle Administration is a contributory organization that was established by the Office of the Czech President in 1993. It´s main activity is the administration and operation of the Prague Castle and Lány Chateau. If you visited the Prague Castle in 2019, you might have noticed that the administration of the castle had begun extensive repairs that would exceed 300 million CZK. Especially difficult is the replacement of the roof and the reconstruction of the facade of the southern wing of the New Royal Palace. It was last repaired in 1982, the roof is over 100 years old. Because of these repairs, the Southern Gardens are closed during 2019. The reconstruction of the Supreme Burgrave's House, which began in 2017, also continues.
Francesco Lillo on Google

Abbiamo scelto il “percorso B” (con 2 adulti e 1 bambino) Si può vedere molto ma con qualche limitazione Bello il cambio della guardia ad ogni ora
We chose the "path B" (with 2 adults and 1 child) You can see much but with some limitations Beautiful changing of the guard every hour
Kateřina Tomíčková on Google

Dnes jsem telefonicky kontaktovala Správu Pražského hradu s tím, že na Starých zámeckých schodech je všude plevel a v některých místech až do výšky jednoho metru. Pán na ústředně mě odmítl kamkoli přepojit, prý si mám sama zavolat na Technickou správu komunikací. Na moji námitku, že na to mají celý aparát a že je to cesta k naší nejvýznamnější památce se mi prostě vysmál, mám si to prý jít vytrhat, když mi to vadí. Když jsem se ho zeptala na jméno, cituji "do toho vám nic není".  A následně moje číslo zablokoval pro jakékoli volání na Pražský hrad. Stale nevěří, že takového chování je možné.
Today I contacted the Prague Castle Administration by telephone, stating that there are weeds everywhere on the Old Castle Stairs and in some places up to a height of one meter. The master at the exchange refused to connect me anywhere, I am supposed to call the Technical Communications Administration myself. On my objection that they have the whole apparatus for it and that it is the way to our most important monument, he just laughed at me, I should go and rip it out if it bothers me. When I asked him his name, I quote "you don't care." And then he blocked my number for any calls to Prague Castle. They still do not believe that such behavior is possible.
Martin Sam on Google

Excellent service, especially from Marcela Lehečková and His Excellency Miloš Zeman. Very competent, diligent, kind, and friendly. They represent their country with professionalism and dedication. Thank you very much.

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