Židovský památník

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Contact Židovský památník

Address :

Unnamed Road, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Benešov

Unnamed Road, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Bývalá modlitebna při novém hřbitově je jedinou zachovalou židovskou stavební památkou na území města. V roce 1995 tu byla zřízena stálá expozice věnovaná obětem 2. světové války. Náhrobky ze starého hřbitova byly přeneseny na nový hřbitov a pohřbívalo se tu do 2. světové války. Najdete tu mimo jiné hrob třinácti francouzských vězňů ze železničního transportu roku 1945. Klíče od židovského hřbitova si můžete zapůjčit v turistickém infocentru na Masarykově náměstí. Prohlídky židovského památníku zajišťuje Muzeum umění na Malém náměstí. V sobotu a ve dny židovských svátků bývají židovské památky uzavřeny. The former house of prayer at the new cemetery is the only preserved Jewish building monument in the Benešov town. In 1995 a permanent exhibition dedicated to victims of World War II was established here. The tombstones from the old cemetery were transferred to the new cemetery. Here the members of local Jewish community has been buried until World War II. A grave of thirteen French prisoners from the railway transport in 1945 is placed here. Keys from the Jewish cemetery can be borrowed at the tourist infocenter on Masarykovo náměstí (town´s main square). Tours of the Jewish Memorial are provided by the Museum of Art on adjacent Malé náměstí (Small square). Jewish sights are closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.
The former house of prayer at the new cemetery is the only preserved Jewish building monument in the city. In 1995, a permanent exhibition dedicated to victims of World War II was established. The tombstones from the old cemetery were transferred to the new cemetery and were buried here until World War II. You will also find the grave of thirteen French prisoners from the railway transport in 1945. Keys from the Jewish cemetery can be borrowed at the tourist information center on Masaryk Square. Tours of the Jewish Memorial are provided by the Museum of Art on Malé náměstí. Jewish sights are closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays. The former house of prayer at the new cemetery is the only preserved Jewish building in the Benešov town. In 1995 a permanent exhibition dedicated to World War II victims was established here. The tombstones from the old cemetery were transferred to the new cemetery. Here the members of the local Jewish community were buried until World War II. A grave of thirteen French prisoners from the railway transport in 1945 is placed here. Keys from the Jewish cemetery can be borrowed at the tourist information center on the Masaryk Square (town´s main square). Tours of the Jewish Memorial are provided by the Museum of Art adjacent to the Small Square. Jewish sights are closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.

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