Fio banka

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fio banka

Address :

215, Sokolovská 352, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

215, Sokolovská 352, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia
Dominik Dolezal on Google

Vše co jsem potřeboval mi bylo vysvětleno. Pobočku mohu určitě doporučit....
Everything I needed was explained to me. I can definitely recommend the branch ....
Kamila Pšenská on Google

V pobočce ve Vysočanech se nám věnoval p. J. Schödl - profesionální, rychlý a příjemný.
At the branch in Vysočany, Mr. J. Schödl took care of us - professional, fast and pleasant.
P Pospíšil on Google

Dobrý den, byl bych rád kdyby společnost Fio proškolila své zaměstnance ohledně nošení respirátorů v uzavřených prostorách. Váš bankéř ji během našeho rozhovoru neměl a navíc se choval arogantně. Přejdu k jiné bance.
Hello, I would like Fio to train its employees on wearing respirators indoors. Your banker didn't have it during our interview, and he was arrogant. I'll move to another bank.
Robert Meszlenyi on Google

Natalia Russi on Google

Absolutely great. Both guys knew their job, spoke English very well. They were helpful and very nice. Great customer service
Andrew Koval on Google

Worst service ever... Fio should something with this. Total arrogance of stuff. It took more than a week to open a personal account!!! More than a week!!! Disaster...
Dmytro Kucherenko on Google

Well, the personal is good, but the technology level is poor. You need to visit the office if you need to reset password.
Vojtěch Kristen on Google

Terrible service – Im never going to visit this particular branch again.

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