Gothic twin - Město

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gothic twin

Address :

Jezuitská 241, Město, 412 01 Litoměřice, Czechia

Postal code : 412
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Categories :
City : Litoměřice

Jezuitská 241, Město, 412 01 Litoměřice, Czechia
Lukas Hyk on Google

Nic moc
Nothing much
Petr Kuthan on Google

Krásná středověká památka uvnitř dobre výstavy
Beautiful medieval monument inside well of exhibition
Pavel Hrubý on Google

Z historie Litoměřic, kouzlo minulosti.
From the history of Litoměřice, the magic of the past.
Jakub Kuthan on Google

Budova zajímavá z architektonického hlediska, bohužel jsem se nedostal dovnitř když jsem byl v Litoměřicích
Building interesting from the architectural point of view, unfortunately I did not get inside when I was in Litoměřice
Sona Stoiljkovic on Google

Jeden z nejstarších měšťanských domů je další dominantou města Litoměřic a pochází z druhé poloviny 15. století.
One of the oldest burghers' houses is another dominant of Litoměřice and dates from the second half of the 15th century.
Martin Kuchar on Google

Jeden z nejstarších obytných domů v Litoměřicích postavený ve stylu jagellonské gotiky v 2 polovině 15 století.
One of the oldest residential houses in Litoměřice built in the style of Jagiellonian Gothic in the second half of the 15th century.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherná stavba je nejstarším zachovalým měšťanským domem ze 2. poloviny 15. století. Pozdně gotický dům má dvojitý štít a uvnitř v patře se nachází unikátní rozlehlá renesanční srubová místnost. Objekt byl opraven v roce 1984 a nachází se ve dvorním traktu Jezuitské ulice čp. 4. Dnes je zde soukromá galerie "Ve dvoře". Gotické dvojče (jak bývá podle stavební dispozice dům nazýván) bylo postaveno v první třetině 16. století. Jedinečná centrální roubená místnost z období renesance je charakteristickým výstavním prostorem galerie. The beautiful building is the oldest preserved burgher house from the second half of the 15th century. The late Gothic house has a double gable, and on the first floor there is a unique, large Renaissance log room. The building was repaired in 1984 and is located in the courtyard of Jesuitská Street No. 4. Today a private gallery "Ve dvoře" is located inside. The "Gothic twin" (called so for it´s characteristic shape) was built in the first third of the 16th century. The unique central timbered room from the Renaissance period is a characteristic exhibition space for the gallery.
The beautiful building is the oldest preserved burgher house from the second half of the 15th century. The late Gothic house has a double gable and inside upstairs there is a unique large Renaissance log cabin. The building was repaired in 1984 and is located in the courtyard of Jezuitská Street No. 4. Today there is a private gallery "In the yard". The Gothic twin (as the house is called according to the building layout) was built in the first third of the 16th century. The unique central timbered room from the Renaissance period is a characteristic exhibition space of the gallery. The beautiful building is the oldest preserved burgher house from the second half of the 15th century. The late Gothic house has a double gable, and on the first floor there is a unique, large Renaissance log room. The building was repaired in 1984 and is located in the courtyard of Jesuitská Street No. 4. Today a private gallery "Ve dvoře" is located inside. The "Gothic twin" (called so for it´s characteristic shape) was built in the first third of the 16th century. The unique central timbered room from the Renaissance period is a characteristic exhibition space for the gallery.
Lenka Noháčková on Google


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