Komerční banka, pobočka

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Komerční banka, pobočka

Address :

Netroufalky 14, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : https://www.kb.cz/cs/pobocky-a-bankomaty/pobocky/brno-netroufalky/
Categories :
City : Bohunice

Netroufalky 14, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia
Martin Svitil on Google

V itery omezena pracovni doba do 12hod...platebni kartu mi nezaslali standartne postou ale musel jsem si ji prijit vyzvednout na pobocku osobně.
In working hours, working hours are limited to 12 hours ... the payment card was not sent to me by default, but I had to come and pick it up at the branch in person.
Magda Sedláčková on Google

Až si příště páni bankovní poradci nasadí roušky dám 5 hvězd ??
The next time the bank advisers put on the veils of 5 stars ??
Jiří Mazáč on Google

Kvalifikovaný personál, rychlé jednání, spokojenost
Qualified staff, fast action, satisfaction
Jan Scania Driver on Google

Kdyby to šlo, nedal bych hvězdičku ani jednu...bohužel jednu musím. Naprosto katastrofální přístup zaměstnanců banky ke klientovi, tak jsme šli vedle do Monety, a hned jsme si připadali jako v jiném světě. Nechápu, jakým způsobem rekrutuje tahle pobočka své zaměstnance. Chápu, že člověk nemusí mít svůj den, ale část bankovních zaměstnanců Vás ignoruje - dělají že tam nejsou, a když už se s Vámi někdo začne bavit, tak tvrdí, že nemají čas, že máte přijít odpoledne. Asi mají dost klientů a další příjmy financí nepotřebují. Chybí jim jen cedulka na dveřích: "Pro bohatství zavřeno!"
If I could, I wouldn't give one a star ... unfortunately I have one. Absolutely catastrophic approach of the bank's employees to the client, so we went to Moneta next door, and we immediately felt like we were in another world. I don't understand how this branch recruits its employees. I understand that you don't have to have your day, but some bank employees ignore you - they pretend not to be there, and when someone starts talking to you, they say they don't have time to come in the afternoon. They probably have enough clients and do not need additional financial income. All they need is a sign on the door: "Closed for wealth!"
Vyacheslav Kolodin on Google

nejhorší pobočka a bank v cele zemi
the worst branch and bank in the country
Majka Sm on Google

Přístup celkem dobrý, vždy jsem se svym požadavkem uspěla. Jen pracovní doba byla dříve hodně omezená. Nyní to vypadá, že jí prodloužili a to je skvělé ?.
The approach is quite good, I have always succeeded with my request. Only working hours used to be very limited. Now it looks like they have extended it and that's great ?.
Miroslav Wolf on Google

Marek Mrkva on Google

Very unpleasant experience. I came there to close my account, their employee told me that I have to make it on the place I have created my account. Well I knew my contract well, therefore I told her, that this was not what I have signed nor it was anywhere in the policy. Therefore I stated clear that I want her supervisor in case she would not close my account. With annoyed face she said to me, that she have to make a call to close the account. My respond was that this she should do at the first place instead of telling me some fairy tail. Account was closed and I am very happy that I have this terrible bank behind me.

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