Kostel sv.Havla

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel sv.Havla

Address :

K Havlínu, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia

Categories :
City : Zbraslav

K Havlínu, 156 00 Zbraslav, Czechia
Igor Efremushkin on Google

Іван легеза on Google

Jiri Stika on Google

Matěj Šefčík on Google

Marcela Neumannová on Google

Hezký hřbitov
Nice cemetery
petra havlova on Google

Hezká procházka. Klidné místo
Nice walk. Quiet place
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Historie tohoto místa je stará a dosti spletitá. Nemohlo ujít ani pozornosti Keltů. Křesťanský kostel tu stál nejpozději v začátku. 12. st., románská stavba je včleněna do dnešní podoby z r. 1660. Pozoruhodný je i místní hbitov pro kvalitní funerální plastiky význačných sochařů.
The history of this place is old and quite complex. It could not miss the attention of the Celts. The Christian church stood here at the beginning at the latest. 12th century, the Romanesque building is incorporated into today's form from 1660. The local cemetery is also remarkable for high-quality funeral sculptures by prominent sculptors.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel sv. Havla na vrchu Havlín (v dávných dobách nazývaný "Oseka") tvoří jednu z daleka viditelných zbraslavských dominant. Havlín bývá označován jako místo, kde se údajně nacházelo slovanské hradiště, domněnku však dosud neprokázaly žádné archeologické nálezy. Původně tu stála kaple, kolem poloviny 12. Století se na jejím místě objevila větší románská stavba s hranolovou věží v průčelí. Z té se dochovalo zdivo věže a přilehlá část lodi obdélného půdorysu. Ve 14. Století bylo přistavěno gotické kněžiště, v 17. století následovala další barokní přestavba. Po roce 1785 se z něj stal kostel hřbitovní, a tak je tomu až do dnešní doby. Church of st. Havel on the hill of Havlín is one of the dominant features of Zbraslav. Havlín is referred to as a place where the Slavic fortified settlement was supposedly located, but no presumption has yet been proved by any archaeological finds. Originally a chapel was standing here, which replaced by a larger Romanesque building with a prismatic tower in the facade around the middle of the 12th century. The tower's masonry and the adjacent part of the nave have been preserved until today. In the 14th century a Gothic chancel was added, in the 17th century another Baroque reconstruction followed. After 1785 the church became a cemetery one, and so it is up to now.
Church of st. Havel on the hill Havlín (called "Osek" in ancient times) is one of the dominant features of Zbraslav. Havlín is known as a place where the Slavic fortified settlement was supposedly located, but no presumption has yet been proved by any archaeological finds. Originally a chapel stood here, around the middle of the 12th Century, a larger Romanesque building with a prismatic tower in its frontage appeared in its place. The tower walls and the adjoining part of the nave have a rectangular ground plan. In the 14th century a Gothic chancel was added, in the 17th century another Baroque reconstruction took place. After 1785 it became a cemetery church, and so it is up to now. Church of st. Havel on the hill of Havlín is one of the dominant features of Zbraslav. Havlín is mentioned as a place where the Slavic fortified settlement was supposedly located, but no presumption has yet been made by any archaeological finds. Romanesque building with a prismatic tower in the middle of the 12th century. The tower's masonry and the adjacent part of the nave have been preserved until today. In the 14th century a Gothic chancel was added, in the 17th century another Baroque reconstruction followed. After 1785 the church became a cemetery one and it is up to now.

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