Kubistický činžovní dům

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Contact Kubistický činžovní dům

Address :

Neklanova 128 00, 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha 2 Vyšehrad

Neklanova 128 00, 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad, Czechia
Jan Čech on Google

Klára Kvapilová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zajímavý nájemní dům s kubistickou fasádou Josefa Chochola byl postaven v letech 1913-1914 podle návrhu Františka Josefa Hodka. Stojí na mírně lichoběžníkovité, svažité parcele na nároží ulic Neklanova a Přemyslova. Parapety a římsy jsou poskládány z typických kubisticky lomených ploch a podobně je tomu i u oken. Stejně tak zůstaly zachovány původní detaily, jako kubistické dveře, zábradlí ve společných prostorách interéru, nebo kliky. Ostrý úhel nároží je zvýrazněn tvarem balkonů. Toto architektonické řešení je zcela ojedinělé v celosvětovém měřítku. Dům je od roku 1964 památkově chráněn An interesting apartment building with a cubist facade of Josef Chochol was built in 1913-1914 according to a design by František Josef Hodek. It stands on a slightly trapezoidal, sloping plot on the corner of Neklanova and Přemyslova streets. Window sills and cornices are composed of typical cubist fractured surfaces and so are the windows. Likewise, the original details, such as the cubist door, the railing in the common areas of the interior, or the handles have been preserved. The sharp angle of the corner is accentuated by the shape of the balconies. This architectural design is unique on a global scale. The house has been protected since 1964.
An interesting tenement house with a Cubist facade by Josef Chochol was built in the years 1913-1914 according to the design of František Josef Hodek. It stands on slightly trapezoidal, sloping plots on the corner of Neklanova and Přemyslova streets. Window sills and cornices are composed of typical Cubist angled surfaces, as is the case with windows. In the same way, the original details have been preserved, such as cubist doors, railings in the common areas of the interior, or handles. The sharp angle of the corner is highlighted by the shape of the balconies. This architectural solution is completely unique on a global scale. The house has been listed as a monument since 1964 An interesting apartment building with a cubist facade of Josef Chochol was built in 1913-1914 according to a design by František Josef Hodek. It stands on a slightly trapezoidal, sloping plot on the corner of Neklanova and Přemyslova streets. Window sills and cornices are composed of typical cubist fractured surfaces and so are the windows. Likewise, the original details, such as the cubist door, the railing in the common areas of the interior, or the handles have been preserved. The sharp angle of the corner is accentuated by the shape of the balconies. This architectural design is unique on a global scale. The house has been protected since 1964.

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