Mirror Maze

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mirror Maze

Address :

Šultysova 170/8, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7798
Website : http://zrcadlovebludiste.cz/
Categories :
City : Kutná Hora

Šultysova 170/8, Vnitřní Město, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia
Jaromír Osčádal on Google

Krásné zpestření dne mezi gotickými památkami. Vstupné za příznivou cenu. Dvě velká bludiště, jedno dětské, kde můžete děti z vrchu hlídat, dva kalejdoskopy a spoustu křivých zrcadel. Bludiště můžete projít oběma směry, vždy je to zážitek, lepší je chodit samostatně, nebo proti sobě, pak průchod trvá déle a je napínavou zábavou?. Příjemná obsluha. Platba jen v hotovosti.
A beautiful diversification of the day among the Gothic monuments. Admission at a reasonable price. Two large mazes, one for children, where you can watch the children from the top, two calendoscopes and lots of curved mirrors. You can go through the maze in both directions, it's always an experience, it's better to walk alone or against each other, then the passage takes longer and is exciting fun?. Pleasant service. Payment in cash only.
Marcela Vojtova on Google

Šidlova Lucie on Google

Romana S on Google

Lovley experience!! Funny mirrors and mazes with lots of laughter!!
Péter E on Google

it is also closed on Sundays
Geda Montvilaite on Google

Jitka Cervena on Google

Kristupas Ti on Google

You get not one but several funny mazes as well as other optical illusions. We were a group of adults and enjoyed it, laughing as kids.

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