Pamětní síň Slavníkovské Libice

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Contact Pamětní síň Slavníkovské Libice

Address :

Husova 4, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Libice nad Cidlinou

Husova 4, 289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Vit Simral on Google

Taťána Mádlová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

V roce 1981 byla otevřena v budově OU Libice nad Cidlinou expozice zachycující historii regionu od počátků slovanského osídlení v 6. století do zániku hradiska ve 12. století a dějiny Libice nad Cidlinou v období středověku i novověku. Jsou zde vystaveny výsledky archeologických výzkumů - náhrobní stély slavníkovských kněžen, šperky, zbraně, ozdoby, denáry z 10. století, bohoslužebné a psací náčiní, model slavníkovského hradiště. In 1981, an exhibition was opened in the building of the district office Libice nad Cidlinou depicting the history of the region from the beginning of the Slavic settlement in the 6th century to the demolition of the fortified settlement in the 12th century and the history of Libice nad Cidlinou in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. There are the results of archaeological researches - tombstones of Slavnik princess, jewelery, weapons, ornaments, 10th century denarius, religious and writing tools, model of Slavnik fortified settlement.
In 1981, an exhibition was opened in the building of the OU Libice nad Cidlinou, depicting the history of the region from the beginnings of Slavic settlement in the 6th century to the end of the fortified settlement in the 12th century and the history of Libice nad Cidlinou in the Middle Ages and modern times. The results of archaeological research are exhibited here - tombstones of the Slavník princesses, jewelry, weapons, ornaments, denarii from the 10th century, worship and writing utensils, a model of the Slavník fort. In 1981, an exhibition was opened in the building of the district office Libice nad Cidlinou depicting the history of the region from the beginning of the Slavic settlement in the 6th century to the demolition of the fortified settlement in the 12th century and the history of Libice nad Cidlinou in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. There are the results of archaeological researches - tombstones of Slavnik princess, jewelery, weapons, ornaments, 10th century denarius, religious and writing tools, model of Slavnik fortified settlement.
Sona Stoiljkovic on Google

Syn knížete Slavnika se stal v roce 982 druhým pražským biskupem a snažil se vymanit církev z politické moci. Do Břevnova přivedl mnichy pro první mužský klášter v zemi. V roce 994 podle tradice pokřtil uherského krále Štěpána. Jen díky pobytu v římském klášteře na Aventinu unikl vyvraždění svého rodu. Po pozvání do Polska Boleslavem Chrabrým šířil křesťanství mezi Prusy, kteří jej barbarsky zabili. Na jeho sartofágu v Hnězdně bylo založeno první polské arcibiskupství. Kníže Břetislav I. přivezl Vojtěchovy ostatky do Prahy. Svatý Radim, jeden z patronů Polska, doprovázel svého nevlastního bratra sv. Vojtěcha na misích v Římě a Prusku.
The son of Prince Slavnik became the second bishop of Prague in 982 and tried to free the church from political power. He brought monks to Břevnov for the first male monastery in the country. In 994, according to tradition, he baptized the Hungarian King Stephen. Only thanks to his stay in the Roman monastery on the Aventine did he escape the murder of his family. After being invited to Poland by Boleslav the Brave, he spread Christianity among the Prussians, who killed him barbarically. The first Polish archbishopric was founded on his sartophago in Gniezno. Prince Břetislav I brought Vojtěch's remains to Prague. Saint Radim, one of the patrons of Poland, accompanied his half-brother St. Adalbert on missions in Rome and Prussia.

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