Zbytky opevnění pod muzeem stojícím na místě městského hradu

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Contact Zbytky opevnění pod muzeem stojícím na místě městského hradu

Address :

337 01 Rokycany, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rokycany

337 01 Rokycany, Czechia
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Vladimir Pecha on Google

První opevnění města vzniklo v letech 1293-1295, kdy šlo nejprve asi jen o opevnění zdejšího kostela. To je doloženo písemnou zmínkou povolující biskupovi Tobiáši z Bechyně "kopání příkopu". Samotné město bylo opevněno později. Pojednává o tom listina z 8. 7. 1399, kdy arcibiskup Olbram ze Škvorce umožnil měšťanům daňové úlevy za to, že tuto akci hradili ze svého. Tehdejší obvod hradeb činil asi 1,5 km. Do středověkého města vedly čtyři brány (Pražská, Saská, Plzeňská a Šťáhlavská) a dvě branky (fortny). Hradba byla kamenná s cimbuřím, která byla chráněna baštami buď se čtvercovým nebo obdélníkovým půdorysem. Další část hradeb (kromě polokruhové bašty v Třebízského ulici, jen pár set metrů od kostela P. Marie Sněžné) je k vidění za kostelem a při ulici Dolní příkopy. Zde se také na konci ulice V Brance zachovala jedna ze dvou branek (dnes v podobě kulisové brány). Další branka tzv. „Fortna u kostela“ je dnes jako průchod, součástí domu čp. 135/I. Ze čtyř bran se nedochovala ani jedna, poslední „Plzeňská“ byla zbořena v roce 1950. The first fortification of the town was founded in 1293-1295, when it was first about the fortification of the local church. This is evidenced by a written statement authorizing Bishop Tobias of Bechyne to "dig ditch". The city itself was fortified later. This is witnessed by the document from 8 July, 1399, when Archbishop Olbram of Škvorec allowed bourgeois tax relief for the fact that they paid for this action. The lenght of the walls was about 1.5 km away that time. Four gates (Pražská, Saská, Plzeňská and Šťáhlavská) and two wickets led to the medieval town. The wall was made of stone with a battlement that was protected by bastions with either a square or rectangular ground plan. Another part of the fortification (except for the semi-circular bastion in Třebízský Street, just a few hundred meters from the church of St. Mary of Snow) can be seen behind the church and at "Dolní příkopy" Street. Here at the end of "V Brance" Street, one of the two gates has been preserved. Another goal called "Fortna by the Church" is now a passage, part of the house No. 135/I. None of the four gates survived, the last "Pilsen" was demolished in 1950.
The first fortifications of the town were built in the years 1293-1295, when at first it was probably just the fortifications of the local church. This is evidenced by a written mention allowing Bishop Tobias of Bechyně to "dig a moat". The city itself was fortified later. This is discussed in a document from 8 July 1399, when Archbishop Olbram of Škvorec granted the townspeople tax relief for paying for this event on their own. The then perimeter of the walls was about 1.5 km. Four gates (Pražská, Saská, Plzeňská and Šťáhlavská) and two gates (fortny) led to the medieval town. The wall was made of stone with battlements, which was protected by bastions with either a square or rectangular floor plan. Another part of the walls (except for the semicircular bastion in Třebízského street, just a few hundred meters from the church of Our Lady of the Snows) can be seen behind the church and at Dolní příkopy street. Here, at the end of V Brance Street, one of the two gates (today in the form of a backdrop gate) has been preserved. Another gate, the so-called "Fortna u kostelu", is today like a passage, part of the house No. 135 / I. Not one of the four gates has been preserved, the last "Plzeňská" was demolished in 1950. The first fortification of the town was founded in 1293-1295, when it was first about the fortification of the local church. This is evidenced by a written statement authorizing Bishop Tobias of Bechyne to "dig ditch". The city itself was fortified later. This is witnessed by the document from 8 July, 1399, when Archbishop Olbram of Škvorec allowed bourgeois tax relief for the fact that they paid for this action. The lenght of the walls was about 1.5 km away that time. Four gates (Pražská, Saská, Plzeňská and Šťáhlavská) and two wickets led to the medieval town. The wall was made of stone with a battlement that was protected by bastions with either a square or rectangular ground plan. Another part of the fortification (except for the semi-circular bastion in Třebízský Street, just a few hundred meters from the church of St. Mary of Snow) can be seen behind the church and at "Dolní příkopy" Street. Here at the end of "V Brance" Street, one of the two gates has been preserved. Another goal called "Fortna by the Church" is now a passage, part of the house No. 135 / I. None of the four gates survived, the last "Pilsen" was demolished in 1950.

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