Pomník padlých WWII

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Contact Pomník padlých WWII

Address :

Jiráskova, 337 01 Rokycany, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rokycany

Jiráskova, 337 01 Rokycany, Czechia
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Pomník byl odhalen 25. 9. 1955 v rámci Týdne mezinárodního boje proti fašismu. Původně avizovaný termín odhalení 8. 9. byl z důvodů zajištění žní a kolizí s Leteckým dnem v Praze stranickými orgány zamítnut. Na pomníku je nápis „Obětem fašismu – okres Rokycanský 1939–1945“. Autorem pomníku je akademický sochař Václav Koukolíček. Má připomínat více než 420 obětí fašistické okupace z Rokycanska. Pomník od doby svého odhalení doznal četných změn. Dne 4. 5. 1977 byla před před pomníkem odhalena pamětní deska kryjící prsť z bojišť u Stalingradu a Sokolova u příležitosti V. ročníku Štítu podbrdských partyzánů věnovaného Rokycansku v protifašistickém odboji. Akce se zúčastnili také zástupci Střední skupiny sovětských vojsk a stranických a státních orgánů. V podvečer se konal lampiónový průvod z náměstí na stadion. Dne 7. května pak probíhaly soutěže jednotlivců v Husových sadech a střelecký souboj. V roce 1987 byla přidána ještě prsť od Leningradu (dnešního Petrohradu). Prsť byla umístěna asi 1 metr před pomníkem pod žulovou deskou opatřenou nápisem. V roce 1995 byla ukradena měděná trnová koruna z horní části pomníku. Dne 7. 5. 2000 byl odhalen obnovený a upravený pomník obětem druhé světové války. Do základů pomníku byl vložen pamětní list. Projekt zpracoval ing. architekt Vladimír Štrunc. Na šikmo umístěné žulové desky bylo vyznačeno 141 jmen zemřelých během nacistické okupace. V roce 2001 byl pomník ještě doplněn o bronzovou desku s odlitkem přísahající ruky a nápisem: „Věrni zůstaneme“, umístěnou na sloup. The memorial was unveiled on September 25, 1955, as part of the International week of fighting against fascism. The initially announced deadline for disclosure on 8 September was to be rejected by party authorities for reasons of collisions with the Aircraft Day in Prague. On the monument is the inscription "Victims of Fascism - Rokycanský District 1939-1945". The author of the monument is the academic sculptor Václav Koukolíček. It is placed here to remind more than 420 victims of the fascist occupation of Rokycanska. Since its discovery the monument has undergone numerous changes. On May 4, 1977, a memorial plaque covering the battlefield near Stalingrad and Sokolov was unveiled in front the monument on the occasion of the 5th year of the Shield of the Podbrdsko partisans devoted to Rokycany in anti-fascist resistance. The event was also attended by representatives of the Central Group of Soviet troops, red party and state deputes. In the evening a lantern procession from the square to the stadium took place. On May 7th, individual contests took place in Husové orchards as well as a shooting competition. In 1987, a bit soil was added from Leningrad (today's St. Petersburg). The soil was placed about 1 meter in front of the monument beneath the granite plate bearing the inscription. In 1995, a copper thorn crown was stolen from the top of the monument. On May 7, 2000, a restored and modified memorial to the victims of the Second World War was unveiled. A commemorative plaque was placed in the monument's basement. The project was elaborated by the architect Vladimír Štrunc.
The monument was unveiled on September 25, 1955 as part of the Week of International Fight against Fascism. The originally announced date of the revelation on September 8 was rejected by the party authorities due to securing the harvest and a collision with the Aviation Day in Prague. The monument has the inscription "Victims of Fascism - Rokycanský District 1939–1945". The author of the monument is the academic sculptor Václav Koukolíček. It is to commemorate more than 420 victims of the fascist occupation of Rokycany. The monument has undergone numerous changes since its unveiling. On May 4, 1977, a memorial plaque covering the finger from the battlefields near Stalingrad and Sokolov was unveiled in front of the monument on the occasion of the 5th year of the Shield of the Podbrd partisans dedicated to Rokycany in the anti-fascist resistance. The event was also attended by representatives of the Central Group of Soviet troops and party and state authorities. In the early evening, a lantern parade took place from the square to the stadium. On May 7, individual competitions in Husovy sady and a shooting duel took place. In 1987, a finger was added from Leningrad (today's St. Petersburg). The finger was placed about 1 meter in front of the monument under a granite slab with an inscription. In 1995, a copper crown of thorns was stolen from the top of the monument. On May 7, 2000, a restored and modified monument to the victims of World War II was unveiled. A commemorative card was inserted into the foundations of the monument. The project was designed by architect Vladimír Štrunc. 141 names of those who died during the Nazi occupation were marked on oblique granite slabs. In 2001, the monument was supplemented by a bronze plaque with a cast of an swearing hand and the inscription: "We will remain faithful", placed on a pillar. The memorial was unveiled on September 25, 1955, as part of the International week of fighting against fascism. The initially announced deadline for disclosure on 8 September was to be rejected by party authorities for reasons of collisions with the Aircraft Day in Prague. On the monument is the inscription "Victims of Fascism - Rokycanský District 1939-1945". The author of the monument is the academic sculptor Václav Koukolíček. It is placed here to remind more than 420 victims of the fascist occupation of Rokycanska. Since its discovery the monument has undergone numerous changes. On May 4, 1977, a memorial plaque covering the battlefield near Stalingrad and Sokolov was unveiled in front the monument on the occasion of the 5th year of the Shield of the Podbrdsko partisans devoted to Rokycany in anti-fascist resistance. The event was also attended by representatives of the Central Group of Soviet troops, red party and state deputes. In the evening a lantern procession from the square to the stadium took place. On May 7th, individual contests took place in Husové orchards as well as a shooting competition. In 1987, a bit soil was added from Leningrad (today's St. Petersburg). The soil was placed about 1 meter in front of the monument beneath the granite plate bearing the inscription. In 1995, a copper thorn crown was stolen from the top of the monument. On May 7, 2000, a restored and modified memorial to the victims of the Second World War was unveiled. A commemorative plaque was placed in the monument's basement. The project was elaborated by the architect Vladimír Štrunc.

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