DATART - Křižíkova 148/34

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DATART

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HP Tronic, pobočka

Postal code : 186
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City : Karlín

HP Tronic, pobočka
Jan Tichý on Google

Neni zde prodejna ale kanceláře
There is no shop but no offices
Jakub Jakubec on Google

Sidlo kancelari je oznaceno jako prodejni misto :/
The seat of the office is marked as the point of sale: /
Martin Húdek on Google

Datart už nikdy. Neuznaní reklamace s tím že je vadný filtr na vysavači, I když vysavač nefunguje ani bez filtru. Filtr údajně nejsou schopni dodat (i když je vysavač stále v záruce)na žádné pobočce. Zaměstnanci pobočky Zličín mě odkázali na konkurenční prodejce typu Alza. V případě že s neuznanim reklamace nesouhlasím, mám se obrátit na soudního znalce. Větší absurditu a "PRO" zákaznický přístup jsem ještě nezažil.
Datart never again. Failure to acknowledge the claim that the filter on the vacuum cleaner is defective, even if the vacuum cleaner does not work without the filter. They are reportedly unable to supply the filter (even if the vacuum cleaner is still under warranty) at any branch. The employees of the Zličín branch referred me to a competing dealer of the Alza type. If I do not agree with the non-recognition of the complaint, I should contact a forensic expert. I have never experienced greater absurdity and a "PRO" customer approach.
Jiří Válek on Google

Dovolat se na infolinku centrály si vyžádalo asi sedmiminutovou trpělivost, ale budiž, zřejmě tam buď průběžně a současně volají desítky lidí, nebo tam mají jen jednu osobu. Dostal jsem sice mobilní číslo na prodejnu, kam jsem se nemohl opakovaně dovolat na pevnou (hovory byly vždy hned po vytočení ukončeny, prostě žádné dlouhé vyzvánění bez zvednutí, ale rovnou ukončení hovoru), ale ani na mobilu mi to nikdo nebral. Takže se do velké prodejny prostě nedovoláte, což je dost neuvěřitelnė :( Chtěl jsem jen vědět podrobnosti k zamítnutí reklamace. Budu tam muset zajet osobně, ale další nákupy si u Datartu hodně rozmyslím.
It took about seven minutes of patience to call the infoline of the headquarters, but either, apparently dozens of people call there continuously and at the same time, or they have only one person there. Although I received a mobile number at the store, where I could not repeatedly call the landline (calls were always terminated immediately after dialing, just no long ring without answering, but immediately ending the call), but no one on my cell phone took it. So you just don't call the big store, which is quite unbelievable :( I just wanted to know the details to reject the complaint. I'll have to go there in person, but I'll think about further shopping at Datart.
Klara on Google

Prodává zboží, které není určeno pro český trh. Konkrétně jsem u nich zakoupila Monitor Samsung S27F350 a menu monitoru a nastavení zařízení je jen ve východních jazycích a čínštině. Chybí i angličtina.
It sells goods that are not intended for the Czech market. Specifically, I purchased the Samsung S27F350 Monitor from them and the monitor menu and device settings are only in Eastern languages ​​and Chinese. English is also missing.
Jaroslav Hojač on Google

21.3. mě došla chladnička kurýrní službou dpd. Dnes 6.4. jsem ji rozbalil a je tak dobytá, že nejde normálně ani otevřít. Jsem zvědavý, jak rychle a zda vůbec proběhne reklamace, nebo jestli na to nebudu mít nervy a vyhodím ji a půjdu si koupit fyzicky někam jinam jinou. Samozřejmě firma Datart přehazuje vinu na dopravce a s dopravcem se budete hádat že vina u Datartu. Život je krátký na takovýto dohadování. Jasně je vidět jak ochotná je firma Datart řešit reklamace. Zklamala a ne poprvé, tudíž zkusím nakupovat jinde.
21.3. I ran out of refrigerator courier dpd. Today 6.4. I unpacked it and it's so conquered that it can't even be opened normally. I wonder how fast and whether there will be a complaint at all, or if I won't get on my nerves and throw it away and go buy somewhere else physically. Of course, the Datart company passes the blame on the carrier and with the carrier you will argue that the blame on the Datart. Life is short on such an argument. It is clear how willing Datart is to deal with complaints. Disappointed and not the first time, so I'll try to shop elsewhere.
Abhishek Agrawal on Google

I ordered a kids ride-on car worth 6000 CZK from Datart Slavia Eden store and the guy at the checkout counter didn't bother to tell me about delivery options so I assumed the delivery will be on the apartment floor. However, when the delivery guy came, he declined my request to keep the car in the elevator and was extremely rude. I made him speak to the guys at the store but he refused to get out of his van. I was asked to pay 150 CZK by the guys at the store but the delivery guy said that he didn't have to wait for me to get the wallet so he asked his assistant to dump the car at the building entrance and leave after which I told him to take the car back. The delivery guy was extremely rude and he probably used some swear words in his language. To top it all off, none of the guys from Datart I spoke to were even slightly apologetic and they didn't ask me to reconsider the decision of cancelling the order. Guess that's why customers are treated so poorly. My advice to all - use Alza or any other e-commerce chain but not Datart. They don't care.
Anna Kahvic on Google

Eng below. Před rokem jsem si pořídila novy laptop, který stal 22 tisíce korun, od prvního dne nefungovala Wi-Fi (každých 5 min. se připojí a odpojí). Po trech reklamních Datart servis tym i dale tvrdí, že vadu nenašli přestože ja mám natočené důkazy, na které se nechtěli ani podívat. Nakonec mam laptop u sebe, kterého používat nemůžu a sve peníze asi nikdy neuvidím. Prosím Vam, nic z drahé techniky neberte u nich, Datart je nejhorší firma. Over a year ago I bought a new laptop. From the beginning there were issues with the wifi. I thought it will update with the drivers, but after several months i decided to go and give it for service. 3 services later (almost each time laptop was at the service for a month), i still had issues. On the 4th attempt i asked for money back. Again waiting and nothing, they claimed its working. Although i offered recordings that while on each other device wifi is working, on the laptop it was breaking each 5 to 10 minutes, sometimes each hour... anyhow, after the refusal of money back i wrote to Ombudsman. And also offered my recordings and cmd logs. They said they do not need it and just reviewed the service protocols and denied money back. So now i have no money nor working laptop. I started some process still to try to get money back, so lets see... I had a good experience so far. But this major purchase and fault and how it is handled really makes me say that DO NOT buy here if you are paying some bigger amounts!

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