Kostel Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků

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Contact Kostel Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků

Address :

nám. Míru 54/20, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia

Categories :
City : Mělník

nám. Míru 54/20, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia
Martin Vorel on Google

Petr Tomek on Google

Josef Sokolíček on Google

Kostel Čtrnácti sytých pomocníků v Mělníku je pozdně barokní sakrální stavbou na mělnickém hlavním náměstí v těsném sousedství bývalého kapucínského kláštera, který je na počátku 21. století sídlem Regionálního muzea. Od 3. května 1958 je společně s areálem kláštera chráněn jako kulturní památka České republiky.
The Church of the Fourteen Full Helpers in Mělník is a late Baroque sacral building on Mělník's main square in the immediate vicinity of the former Capuchin monastery, which is the seat of the Regional Museum at the beginning of the 21st century. Since May 3, 1958, together with the monastery complex, it has been protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Особый интерес представляет костел четырнадцати святых помощников. Это здание в стиле позднего барокко было построено в 1750-1753 годах орденом меньших братьев капуцинов - одной из ветвей францисканского ордена. В 1882 году интерьер церкви был отремонтирован. В 1950 году монастырь капуцинов был конфискован, а его помещения использовались для различных целей. Первоначально тут разместилось художественное отделение Народного художественного училища, а с 1999 года Мельникский краеведческий музей. Однако, даже после прерывания ордена капуцинов в Мельнике, церковь продолжала обслуживать Мельницкий приход. Особый интерес представляет внутренний интерьер церкви, выполненный преимущественно в стиле рококо в 18 веке.
Of particular interest is the church of fourteen holy assistants. This late Baroque building was built in 1750-1753 by the Order of the Capuchin Lesser Brothers - one of the branches of the Franciscan Order. In 1882, the interior of the church was renovated. In 1950, the Capuchin monastery was confiscated, and its premises were used for various purposes. Initially, the art department of the People's Art School was located here, and since 1999 the Melnik Museum of Local Lore. However, even after the Capuchin order was interrupted in Melnik, the church continued to serve the Melnitsky parish. Of particular interest is the interior of the church, made mainly in the Rococo style in the 18th century.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Už na konci roku 1751 se ukázalo, že bývalý Čebišův dům, který darovala vdova Terezie Čebišová kapucínům za účelem zřízení kláštera, nebude stačit pro provoz komunity a zřízení kaple či kostelíka. Za ním vyrostl v prostoru bývalé zahrady další objekt - hospic (útulek pro pocestné), který tvoří zadní část kláštera. Proto byl dále získán i sousední měšťanský dům, na jehož místě byl vybudován v letech 1752 - 1753 kostel Čtrnácti svatých pomocníků. Kostel je obdélný jednolodní s pravoúhlým presbytářem a obdélnou sakristií. Průčelí obrácené do náměstí je trojosé, s trojúhelným štítem. Kostel ukončuje sedlová střecha se sanktusovou věžičkou s cibulovou bání. It turned out already at the end of 1751 that the former house of Čebiš, donated by the widow of Terezie Čebišová to the Capuchins for the purpose of setting up a monastery, would not be enough for community operations and the establishment of a chapel. Another object behind it - the hospice (the shelter for the poor), which forms the back of the monastery, grew behind it in the area of the former garden. That is why a neighboring burgher house was built on which the Church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers was built in the years 1752-1753. The church is a rectangular one-nave object with a rectangular presbytery and rectangular sacristy. The facade facing the square is triple, with a triangular shield. The church is ended by the saddle roof with a sanctuary turret.
As early as the end of 1751, it turned out that the former Čebiš House, donated by the widow Terezie Čebišová to the Capuchins for the purpose of establishing a monastery, would not be enough for the operation of the community and the establishment of a chapel or church. Behind him, another building was built in the area of ​​the former garden - a hospice (shelter for travelers), which forms the back of the monastery. Therefore, a neighboring burgher house was also acquired, on the site of which a church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers was built in the years 1752 - 1753. The church is a rectangular single-nave with a rectangular presbytery and a rectangular sacristy. The facade facing the square is triaxial, with a triangular gable. The church ends with a gabled roof with a sanctuary turret with an onion dome. It turned out already at the end of 1751 that the former house of Čebiš, donated by the widow of Terezie Čebišová to the Capuchins for the purpose of setting up a monastery, would not be enough for community operations and the establishment of a chapel. Another object behind it - the hospice (the shelter for the poor), which forms the back of the monastery, grew behind it in the area of ​​the former garden. That is why a neighboring burgher house was built on which the Church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers was built in the years 1752-1753. The church is a rectangular one-nave object with a rectangular presbytery and rectangular sacristy. The facade facing the square is triple, with a triangular shield. The church is ended by the saddle roof with a sanctuary turret.
Carlo Hudratore on Google


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