Radnické schody - 184/2

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Contact Radnické schody

Address :

184/2, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Postal code : 118
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Hradčany

184/2, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Jirka Zavadil-Fotoami on Google

Lucka P. on Google

Evžen Mali on Google

R. “Slavomír” H on Google

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Vladimir Pecha on Google

Radnické schody spojují Loretánskou ulici s křižovatkou ulic Ke hradu, Nerudova a Úvoz. Byly vybudovány v roce 1663. Jsou dlouhé přiblížně 100 metrů a pomocí 127 schodů překonávají výškový rozdíl přibližně 30 metrů a částečně vedeny pod historickou hradčanskou zástavbou. Před stavbou schodů zde byla příkrá cesta, úvoz, využívaná i povozy. V 15. století se nazývala ulicí Radnickou. Vedla k radnímu domu v Loretánské ulici. Dalšími užívanými názvy byly Řeznický vršk, Vršek masných krámů, či Masokrámský vršek. To proto, že v tomto místě a jeho okolí, byly soustředěny řeznické krámky. Současný název je odvozen od hradčanské radnice, domu čp. 173/9, která byla postavena po povýšení Hradčan na město v roce 1598. Po sloučení pražských měst v roce 1784 byla změněna na obytný dům. Na dolním úpatí schodiště jsou umístěny dvě vrcholně barokní pískovcové sochy, vpravo socha sv. Josefa s Ježíškem od neznámého autora a vlevo socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého, připisovaná Michalu Brokofovi. Netradičně zobrazený Nepomucký má u nohou dva andílky, jeden s prstem u úst na znamení mlčení a druhý s kartuší se znázorněným Karlovým mostem, odkud byl svržen do Vltavy. The "Town hall stairs" link Loretánská Street with the crossroads of Ke hradu, Nerudova and Úvoz streets. They were built in 1663. They are about 100 meters long and with 127 steps they exceed the height difference of approximately 30 meters and partly lead under the historical housing estate of Hradčany area. Before the construction of the stairs there was a road here, where a carriage and also the wagons were climbing on a steep slope. In the 15th century it was called Radnická Street, because it led to the council house in Loretánská street. The other names used were the Butcher's Top or the Meat Shop's Pit. That's because there were butchers' shops in this place and it´s surroundings. The current name is derived from the Hradčany Town Hall, house No. 173/9, which was built after Hradčany's advancement as the city in 1598. After the merger of the Prague towns in 1784 the town hall was transformed into a residential house. You can see two top-baroque sandstone sculptures on the lower foot of the staircase, on the right the statue of St. Josef with Jesus from an unknown author and left statue of St. Jan of Nepomuk, attributed to Michal Brokof. The untraditionally depicted Nepomuk has two angels at his feet, one with a finger at his mouth as the symbol of silence and the other angel with a cartouche with the depicted Charles Bridge from where St. Jan of Nepomuk was thrown into the Vltava river.
The town hall stairs connect Loretánská Street with the intersection of Ke hradu, Nerudova and Úvoz streets. They were built in 1663. They are approximately 100 meters long and with the help of 127 steps they overcome the height difference of approximately 30 meters and are partly led under the historic Hradčany buildings. Before the construction of the stairs, there was a steep road, an entrance, used by carriages. In the 15th century it was called Radnická Street. It led to the town hall in Loretánská Street. Other names used were Řeznický vršk, Vršek masných kráhů, or Masokrámský vršek. This is because butcher's shops were concentrated in this place and its surroundings. The current name is derived from the Hradčany town hall, house no. 173/9, which was built after the promotion of Hradčany to a town in 1598. After the merger of the Prague towns in 1784, it was changed into a residential house. At the lower foot of the staircase are two high baroque sandstone statues, on the right a statue of St. Joseph with Jesus from an unknown author and on the left a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký, attributed to Michal Brokof. The untraditionally depicted Nepomuk has two little angels at his feet, one with a toe at the mouth in silence and the other with a cartouche with the Charles Bridge depicted, from where he was thrown into the Vltava. The "Town hall stairs" link Loretanska Street with the crossroads of Ke hradu, Nerudova and Uvoz streets. They were built in 1663. They are about 100 meters long and with 127 steps they exceed the height difference of approximately 30 meters and partly lead under the historical housing estate of Hradčany area. Before the construction of the stairs there was a road here, where a carriage and also the wagons were climbing on a steep slope. In the 15th century it was called Radnická Street, because it led to the council house in Loretánská street. The other names used were the Butcher's Top or the Meat Shop's Pit. That's because there were butchers' shops in this place and it´s surroundings. The current name is derived from the Hradčany Town Hall, house No. 173/9, which was built after Hradčany's advancement as the city in 1598. After the merger of the Prague towns in 1784 the town hall was transformed into a residential house. You can see two top-baroque sandstone sculptures on the lower foot of the staircase, on the right the statue of St. Josef with Jesus from an unknown author and left statue of St. Josef Jan of Nepomuk, attributed to Michal Brokof. The untraditionally depicted Nepomuk has two angels at his feet, one with a finger at his mouth as the symbol of silence and the other angel with a cartouche with the depicted Charles Bridge from where St. Jan of Nepomuk was thrown into the Vltava river.
Rober Rober on Google

Pięknie położone schody, warto zrobić sobie na nich zdjęcie.
Beautifully situated stairs, it is worth taking a photo on them.
Gaurav Bhargava on Google

Beautiful Alley !

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