Rotunda na Pražském hradě - Čtvrté nádvoří Pražského hradu 118 00

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Contact Rotunda na Pražském hradě

Address :

Čtvrté nádvoří Pražského hradu 118 00, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Postal code : 118
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Hradčany

Čtvrté nádvoří Pražského hradu 118 00, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Fabio Pattaro on Google

Měsťák z Prahy on Google

Nejstarší stavba v Praze z doby okolo roku 883, bohužel, dnes se z původního kostela zachovalo velmi málo...
The oldest building in Prague dating back to about 883, unfortunately, today very little has been preserved from the original church ...
Elisa Gava Williams on Google

Passando dal primo cortile al secondo cortile del Castello di Praga, dietro a delle vetrate si trovano queste spettacolari testimonianze. Purtroppo era così affollato che non sono riuscita a fare neppure una fotografia.
Passing from the first courtyard to the second courtyard of Prague Castle, behind these stained-glass windows you will find these spectacular testimonies. Unfortunately it was so crowded that I couldn't even take a photograph.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel Panny Marie na Pražském hradě Je škoda, že jeden z největších českých historických skvostů je skrytý v nenápadném průchodu ze IV. do II. nádvoří Pražského hradu. Jde totiž o první historicky známou křesťanskou sakrální stavbu v Praze. Tzv. Bořivojův kostel Panny Marie vybudoval podle písemných pramenů někdy v letech 882-884 první historicky doložený a pokřtěný český kníže Bořivoj. Jde o vůbec druhý kostel v Čechách po Levém Hradci. Jedná se o první stavební fázi kostelíku, jehož základy můžete vidět pouze za prosklenou stěnou. Za Spytihněva I. došlo k opevnění hradiště valem a kostelík se tak ocitl v západním předhradí. Ke konci 11. století byl celkově přestavěn. Poslední nepřímá zmínka o něm pochází z roku 1255. Stavba zanikla po požáru kolem roku 1278. Pozůstatky kostela byly objeveny při archeologickém průzkumu v letech 1950-1952. Původní kostel byla podélná stavba o max. rozměrech 7,5 × 6 metrů. V 11. století byl vybudován nový kostelík o rozměru 7,4 ×5,9 m s vyvýšenou apsidou, zbudovanou na polygonálních základech. Do dnešní doby se zachovala většina severní části zdiva mladší fáze kostela do výše až 1,5 m. Dále pozůstatky dvou podob oltáře, obou hrobek, několika předláždění a základy vítězného oblouku. Church of Our Lady at Prague Castle It is a pity that one of the greatest Czech historical jewels is hidden in the inconspicuous passage from IV. to II. courtyard of Prague Castle. It is the first historically known Christian sacral object in Prague. The Church of Our Lady - according to written sources - was built in the years 882-884 by the first historically documented and baptized Czech Prince Bořivoj (Borivej). It is the second church in Bohemia after Levý Hradec. You can see the first building phase of the church behind the glass wall. During the Spytihněv I fortification, the fortified settlement was ramparted and the church found itself in the western bailey. At the end of the 11th century it was completely rebuilt. The last indirect mention of it dates back to 1255. The building was abandoned after a fire around 1278. The remains of the church were discovered during an archaeological survey in 1950-1952. The original church was a longitudinal building with a maximum size of 7.5 × 6 meters. In the 11th century, a new 7.4 x 5.9 m small church was built with a raised apse built on polygonal foundations. Until today, most of the northern part of the younger phase of the church has been preserved up to a height of 1.5 m.
Church of the Virgin Mary at Prague Castle It is a pity that one of the greatest Czech historical gems is hidden in an inconspicuous passage from IV. to II. courtyard of Prague Castle. It is the first historically known Christian sacral building in Prague. The so-called According to written sources, Bořivoj's Church of the Virgin Mary was built according to written sources sometime in the years 882-884 by the first historically documented and baptized Czech prince Bořivoj. This is the second church in Bohemia after Levý Hradec. This is the first construction phase of the church, the foundations of which you can see only behind the glass wall. During the reign of Spytihněv I., the fortified settlement was fortified by a rampart and the church thus found itself in the western fort. It was completely rebuilt at the end of the 11th century. The last indirect mention of it comes from the year 1255. The building disappeared after a fire around 1278. The remains of the church were discovered during an archaeological survey in the years 1950-1952. The original church was a longitudinal building with maximum dimensions of 7.5 × 6 meters. In the 11th century, a new church measuring 7.4 × 5.9 m was built with a raised apse, built on polygonal foundations. To this day, most of the northern part of the masonry of the younger phase of the church has been preserved to a height of up to 1.5 m. Church of Our Lady at Prague Castle It is a pity that one of the greatest Czech historical jewels is hidden in the inconspicuous passage from IV. to II. courtyard of Prague Castle. It is the first historically known Christian sacral object in Prague. The Church of Our Lady - according to written sources - was built in the years 882-884 by the first historically documented and baptized Czech Prince Bořivoj (Borivej). It is the second church in Bohemia after Levý Hradec. You can see the first building phase of the church behind the glass wall. During the Spytihněv I fortification, the fortified settlement was ramparted and the church found itself in the western bailey. At the end of the 11th century it was completely rebuilt. The last indirect mention of it dates back to 1255. The building was abandoned after a fire around 1278. The remains of the church were discovered during an archaeological survey in 1950-1952. The original church was a longitudinal building with a maximum size of 7.5 × 6 meters. In the 11th century, a new 7.4 x 5.9 m small church was built with a raised apse built on polygonal foundations. Until today, the bridge of the northern part of the younger phase of the church has been preserved up to a height of 1.5 m.

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